Career counseling
In an era where technology and many other factors – calculated or not – determine the labor market, professionals are called upon to re-evaluate their careers. Moreover, professionals that are unsatisfied with their career choices often search for alternative jobs that will satisfy them more and lead them to a sense of fulfillment.
Career counseling answers your quest to change jobs or even professional identity, which is possible at any age.
We support our adult clients throughout the process, including setting their career goals, providing guidance on education and skills training and supporting in the implementation of their next steps.
The process of career counseling
When it comes to career counseling, the process is adapted according to each individual needs.
In the case of adults, is the counseling process the same as the one for students?
Is there any reason in conducting educational counseling for adults?
What is the duration of this process?
The first two meetings are typically scheduled within two weeks. The third meeting is set when the student is ready to finalize the evaluation of their options that they have discussed with us.
Are you ready to shape with us your pathway?